Pause for Thought

“Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they’re yours.”

Richard Bach 1936 from his book Illusions

Are you limitless of limited by what you think and say?

Do you stand back and wait for things to drop into place or do you go and find them?

Are you waiting to be saved or are you saving yourself?

When it comes to our own reality, it is exactly what you think it is, so reach higher, push harder and move those boundaries that limit your life experience,,,,,,,,,explore who your are today, right now, don’t wait, just go for it like there is no tomorrow…..then you get to do it all over again!!!

Life can be great, just let in in.

Have a great weekend 


Something to ponder

‘While you teach you learn”

This quote is based on a Roman philosopher and poet – “Even while men teach, they learn”

As parents, we have to set an example for our family and children.

How often do you look at what you are teaching those around you? Are you hearing what you say and see what you are doing?

I did have a friend who said to me once ” I find it hard to be a goody two shoes all the f*****g time” Even this remark of frustration is a lesson in itself, a wonderful opportunity to learn here.

I teach for a living and I have to say in every class, seminar, workshop or course I faclitate I see the lessons I need to take on board.

Life is filled with many opportunities, make sure you see them.